About The International Chemistry Olympiad 2018
The idea to systematise the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) was born in the prior Czechoslovakia. The political situation in Czechoslovakia in the spring of 1968 was very unrestrained. Under new leaders the country was in an economic improvement. Groups of philosophers strove after a “socialism with a human face”. There was a aura of independence in the air. The people were full of activities, they wanted more contacts with other countries. One of the new ideas was to systematise an International Chemical Olympiad (this was the first name for this contest).
In 1968 the Chemistry Olympiad (ChO) was a part of a secondary school system already in all countries of the Soviet block. The ChO in the Soviet Union was prototypical for all other countries. This was a basis on which the idea of IChO was structured. The teachers in the countries were already familiar with the competition and its secure system (from the school round to the national round) was worked out. The Ministry of Education of the particular country was the sponsor of the competition. Moreover, National Committees for Chemistry Olympiads were established in the particular countries. This was done rather smoothly because the first participating countries were all members of the same political block. No long explanations were necessary. But the same structure prevented any invitation to a west country.
Application Procedure
Application procedure to participate in the International Chemistry Olympiad
Olympiad Individual participants are not able to take part in the International Chemistry Olympiad, only teams chosen through a National Chemistry Olympiad competition may be invited to compete.
Requests for a country to participate are considered by the Steering Committee at their December meeting and so must be received by November.
Any country wishing to be considered should read the attached Regulations and Information for Mentors very carefully and complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire should be returned to the Organising Committee of the host country.
Please note that it is most important that your delegation is approved and supported at a National level. The questionnaire must be completed with the official approval of a government or education minister or the organisers of the National Competition.
Once your application has been accepted you will need to send observers for two consecutive years before your students can participate in the competition in the following year.
During the two observing years it will be necessary for the two observers to pay their travel costs to the IChO, the standard Observer fee set by the Organising Committee of the host country and their medical insurance for the journey to/from the organising country and the stay in the country.